Walking Routes

I did start this series back last year but it was a bit hit and miss with the frequency I posted and the routes I shared.  This year (as I may have mentioned in previous posts), I have had a bit of a shuffle around and created a timetable of posting certain items to this blog.  When I was doing the Cancer Research Walk All Over Cancer (10000 Steps A Day in September) I attempted to post a new walking route each week if I could, this was pretty difficult to do as there are only so many places that can be walked in that short a time-frame.  I am now going to be posting around once a month (around the 3rd Monday of the month to be more precise!), this schedule will give me time to research a new route, walk it a few times in (hopefully!) different weather conditions, take some photos, research any interesting facts or history about the walk and then talk about it here!

So, the first walking route that I will be planning and photographing will be up for you to read on 13th Feb 2017!  I am hoping to go down to the local park and take you on one of my favorite walking routes that I used to go on when I was in school and college!  And, I’m hoping to be able to capture some lovely images for you to see too…we are forecast snow toward the end of the week, the park looks amazing in the snow!  So keep your fingers crossed and check back then!!!

You can also follow me on Instagram now!  Just search @tenthousandsteps2016 to see my daily stats and sneak peeks of things that will be coming up on the blog!

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